Thursday, September 29, 2011

From the Paris Express

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 Last modified: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:02 AM CDT
Grist called an 'excellent' County Judge
Friends and co-workers remember Bill Grist as an "excellent" County Judge.

Grist, 79, died last week and funeral services were held Saturday at St. Benedict Catholic Church on the grounds of Subiaco Abbey.
Grist served as Logan County Judge from 1991 until 1998.

Early in his tenure as County Judge, Grist was instrumental in setting up the county's 911 emergency notification system.

"He started out on a mission and that was to set up the 911 system," said Jill Sewell, who was 911 coordinator during Grist's eight years in office. "He was very proud of that accomplishment."

Betty Fairbanks, director of the county's Emergency Medical Service, said Grist was a strong supporter of the service.

"I was hired by Bill Grist," she said. "He was an excellent boss and very pro-EMS. He did everything he could to help us. He helped build our ambulance fleet and get the new equipment we needed. He was a good man to work with and was very likeable. I considered him my friend, as well as my boss."

Logan County Judge Gus Young said Grist was one of the first people to come to him and offer help when he was elected to the job.

"He offered me any advice I needed and I really appreciated that," Young said. "We are still getting benefits from some of the things he did as County Judge. There are several bridges in the county that we're still using because Bill Grist saw to it they were repaired."

Linda Core, who served as Logan County Clerk when Grist was judge, said last week that he took care of the county's finances quite well.

"He was an excellent County Judge and a good steward of the county's finances," Core said. "He really made it a point to get along and work well with other county elected officials."

Charlotte Davis, who served as County Treasurer during the Grist years, remembered him as "a very good businessman and a very fine gentleman."

Logan County Circuit Clerk Everly Kellar said Grist had personals qualities that endeared him to many.

"He was a wonderful judge and a wonderful person," Kellar said. "We all thought the world of Judge Grist."

In addition to serving as County Judge, Grist was very active in the county's Democratic party and served for a time as party chairman.

"He was a force for the Democratic party," Core said. "He stirred interest on the county level and he made it a point to know people on the state level."

Current county party chairman David Rush remembers Grist as someone who was very good about helping the Democratic party and about rendering service to the area.

"As far as someone who gave his time to benefit the area, I don't think he can be surpassed," Rush said. "His whole life was service to his country and his state and his county. There's nobody in the county who could take his place."
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shalom Todd,

    So sorry to hear of your father-in-law's passing. May his memory always be for a blessing.

